Wednesday, March 10, 2010


 I discovered this short film 'Connected' a couple of days ago. It's very cool, quite niche - they have done alot with not very much at all. 3 actors, essentially 1 location in Denmark (w. some very nice matte painting & colour grading) and created something that I find really appealing. It also helps me on the road to creating my short film (currently writing the script). I am reassessing the base story - trying to think of EVERYTHING, so that I am not making too much work for myself for the next couple of years.

 The film is set in a post-apocalyptic wasteland and is a story of survival in a wasteland and the greed that comes with desperate need to survive. It's eerie, full of the flaws of human kind and quite compelling. What is most interesting to me is what they achieved with their visual effects - they achieved the entire sense of the wasteland with some spectacular matte paintings, some colour grading and some particles around the place. This provides some food-for-thought for me in regards to the visual effects side of my own film, and very possibly the story. Seeing as my film is in it's beginning; existing as a rough outline of the story - very susceptible to inevitable change. I just need to narrow down the key elements of my story and what I want to achieve with the film and go from there!

As for Connected, unfortunately it is not available for embedding, but here is a link to their site - which includes the production blog;

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