Monday, February 15, 2010


Welcome to my blog! This is where I will be keeping track of my progress on my Master of Arts Practice (Visual Effects) Project for the next 2 years. It's very exciting, starting something like this - I hope you will enjoy the progress as much as I will!

Below is excerpts from my original proposal, dated 27 November 2009. I have since been accepted as a Masters Candidate and though the official University study period is yet to start, I thought I may as well begin it in some respect.


Excerpts from "Master of Arts Practice (Visual Effects) Project Proposal" - Dane Kirkland. 27 Nov 2009. 


My aim in undertaking a Masterʼs Project in Visual Effects is to create a short film that explores the nature of the human condition when dealing with a myriad of emotions with a focus on guilt and hope. I intend on exploring this through a short film, making use of such storytelling techniques such as surreal dream sequences and flashbacks. The process of creating the short film would also perform in a way that would encourage me to develop my skills in special effects further and implement them in new and more efficient ways than I have previously. The end result would be entered in both national and international film festivals and competitions.

Story Outline

The story would be set in an alternate present focusing on a young man attempting to deal with watching the changing world and those changes in society that are for the worse (war, death, corruption, social decline). Focusing on his guilt over the fact that he could be doing something about these changes due to the recent manifestation of the super-human ability to influence, persuade and manipulate people’s actions. His guilt is amplified by his observations that there are a few others in his proximity who are also developing abilities and using not applying them in a beneficial way. Climax of the story is his decision to make a difference and use his power to change society and this decision coming too late as the city in which he is living is attacked as a World War is announced. Dream sequences would be used to portray his ideal world and the flashbacks would provide a history to the character (including a background in the armed forces).

Rough Timeline

As I intend to undertake the Master of Arts Practice Part-Time and by distance education I plan on spending the first 6 months writing the script and storyboarding the film, as well as producing a rough animatic of the film. Whilst doing this I would also focus on pre production; scouting locations to film, finding actors as well as learning and mastering new techniques. This stage of the preproduction would extend until November 2010, which is when I would ideally like to begin principle photography. The aim is that during preproduction I would trial different techniques and decide upon which will be used in the final product, and ideally some effects created during pre-production would be easily transferrable into the final product with some minor touching up. With this timeline I would hope that filming would be completed by December/January at the latest and then the entirety of 2011 would be spent in post production, developing an edit and final visual effects, with the film ready to submitted to festivals by the end of the year.


Some other things of note;

I will be watching a number of reference feature films as well as any short films that I come across that are applicable to what I am doing. At this point upon reflecting on the base story that I presented as a proposal I can see that there will be significant reworkings as well as a clear defining point to the film. Along with the short film I need to complete a written component, so the first stages of the script writing will definitely involve narrowing down the my focus area in regards to;

- Story

What it is I am trying to achieve with the short film in regards to the audience's response and what I personally am trying to achieve with the film. As it stands I'm uncertain about the direction I want to take - looking at my initial outline there are certain stereotypical things that I am attempting to avoid. Right now my thoughts is that I want the film to evoke an emotional response from the audience. I just really need to nail down what I want to achieve.

- Technical -

I am looking into new techniques in filming and plan on applying some to the short film - attempting to create something which is with the current/or next trends as opposed to an older technique.

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