Mad Max notes.
The setting of the film was relatively simple, an arid post-apocalyptic wasteland which simply made use of the wide open spaces of rural Australia without having to alter them overly much to achieve the sense of vast open ‘dead’ spaces.
The timeline made use of the current technologies (mostly automotive) and presented them in a light that made them appear futuristic. Not in the sense that they were a more advanced piece of technology but rather that they had a different ‘life’ to what the audience would have experienced.
The dystopic future was not established in a direct way; more in the appearance of the film – the costumes, sets, vehicles, the activities of the wastelands inhabitants.
Due to the lower budget the film felt DIY, but achieved a professional cinematic experience through the cinematography.
Slow paced film for the most part, despite the 95 minute running time; it id pick up in the latter 30 minutes.
Lighting of the film was very natural, harsh almost in parts – little artificial lighting or grading appeared noticeable in the exterior shots.
Made use of a variation of environments; several sequences appearing to be shot in at least 4 different locations – this allowed the filmmaker to create an a world unlike that which the audience was familiar with. A very simple resolution to an issue that in modern time would be solved by green screen and CGI technologies (for the most part).
The story was simple and straightforward – to the point.
Made use of a variation of environments; several sequences appearing to be shot in at least 4 different locations – this allowed the filmmaker to create an a world unlike that which the audience was familiar with. A very simple resolution to an issue that in modern time would be solved by green screen and CGI technologies (for the most part).
The story was simple and straightforward – to the point.
Inspiration/Reference points;
The use of varying environments to achieve the sense that you were somewhere alien was an incredibly effective way of achieving the effect. My project being visual effects based will make use of more effects (matte painting etc) than these sequences did, but I am now mindful of keeping the choice to create something through use of that technique. Also the use of the space (without alteration) is something to take not of.
I am wanting to achieve a natural looking film, with little artificial light (where possible). Especially for the outside shots; I realise this will make shooting the film more difficult – especially reshoots, but I maintain this as a goal.
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